On the evening of January 20th, 2024, ASBUILD Construction Joint Stock Company splendidly hosted the year-end gala under the inspiring theme “Cultivating Trust, Strengthening Future.” This is a special event that brings together all company employees, along with internal partners and invited guests, with the goal of fostering unity and expressing gratitude.

The ceremony was marked by a comprehensive and visionary address by Mr. Nguyễn Phan Lê Tương, CEO of ASBUILD Construction Joint Stock Company. He recapped the company’s significant achievements in 2023 and outlined strategic development goals for 2024.

Key highlights of 2023 included:

  • Establishing the ASBUILD brand prominently in the market, enhanced by the new ASBUILD signage in the city center.
  • The successful and safe completion of 3 major projects, earning high praise from clients.
  • Winning bids for 2 significant office and residential building projects.
  • Implementing rewarding employee benefits to motivate the team.
  • The trustworthiness with partners is affirmed through prompt and reliable payment.

Looking ahead to 2024, ASBUILD has set an ambitious revenue target of 280 – 300 billion VND, aiming for over 50% growth compared to 2023. The company plans to reinforce and excel further in high-rise building projects in major city centers while expanding into industrial construction.

To achieve these goals, Mr. Nguyễn Phan Lê Tương emphasizes the need for all ASBUILD staff to steadfastly uphold the company’s five core cultural values: kindness, integrity, respect, efficiency, and prosperity.

The ASBUILD year-end ceremony concluded in a joyous and warm atmosphere, filled with hope and anticipation. With the collective effort and dedication of its entire team, ASBUILD confidently anticipates a year of robust growth and new achievements in 2024.